Get Involved in Protecting Democracy

Join the League today because:


The League of Women Voters of Central Vermont has published a booklet (modified from a League of Women Voters of St. Paul, Minnesota publication), for new or prospective members, which explains what the League is and how it works.

Got additional questions? Want to forward us a local issue?

Feel free to email us at

Additional Ways You Can Help

1. Voter's Guides

The voter education arm of the League of Women Voters has created Vote411 to help educate citizens who their candidates are and what they believe in, from the top of the ballot to even the Board of Education race. If you have questions you'd like to pose to your candidates, you can help us and millions of voters!

2. Volunteer to be a Board Worker

New Jersey needs your help this election season. Since the pandemic, the state has experienced a shortage of citizens willing to manage polling locations. You can earn $20/hour by helping reduce poll waiting times. All it takes is one training session, and you can help maintain every voter's access to the polls!

To start volunteering, choose the application from the county that you reside in. If your county's board worker application is not working, use the statewide board worker application (you'll still get to work in your county polling location).

2. Register Voters

The League can help you register voters, either with us or own your own. We compiled all the details on voter requirements in New Jersey in the below video. Afterwards, we discuss how to guide prospective voters through the registration process so that you are well-informed to help register other New Jerseyans.